Written and curated by kyle callahan

Father. Husband. Writer. Teacher. Son. Brother. Friend. Neighbor. Radical (d)emocrat. Not always in that order.

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Latest Curations:

The Enraging Deja Vu of a Third Coronavirus Wave

From The Enraging Deja Vu of a Third Coronavirus Wave:

“You watch patients who are young and who should have had good lives die without their families by them, and their families being distraught, and then you go out through your community and you see people partying and going to bars.”
[Dr. Gregory Schmidt, associate chief medical officer at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics] paused, then added. “We can do anything for two months,” he said. “But surge after surge, it’s hard for everybody.”

Pulling Our Politics Back from the Brink

From Pulling Our Politics Back from the Brink:

The goal of American politics should not be “a world where everybody agrees with you,” [Danielle] Allen, [a Harvard politician scientist] said. “That will never be the reward of life in a constitutional democracy. The reward is the chance to participate in free self-government. If you love that, then you can tolerate the hard work of ongoing, routine contestation with people who disagree with you.”

Don’t Fool Yourself, Trump is Not an Aberration

From Don’t Fool Yourself, Trump is Not an Aberration:

For as much as it seems that Donald Trump has changed something about the character of this country, the truth is he hasn’t. What is terrible about Trump is also terrible about the United States. Everything we’ve seen in the last four years — the nativism, the racism, the corruption, the wanton exploitation of the weak and unconcealed contempt for the vulnerable — is as much a part of the American story as our highest ideals and aspirations.