News Minimalist uses AI (ChatGPT-4) to read the top 1000 news every day and rank them by significance on a scale from 0 to 10. Significance is estimated based on seven factors: scale (how many people the event affected); magnitude (how big was the effect); potential (how likely it is that the event will cause bigger events); novelty (how unexpected or unique was the event); immediacy (how close in time is the event); actionability (how likely it is that a reader can act on the news for personal benefit);
positivity (how positive is the event [used to fix media negativity bias]); credibility (how credible is the source). The results are posted on the main page.
A Skeptic’s View of the President’s Actions
In January, I tried to track Trump’s executive actions, but a handy website beat me to it. But with a new authoritarian at the helm, banal summaries don’t cut it. So now I’ve set up a ChatGPT task to do the heavy lifting: provide a brief analysis of each week’s presidential orders from a radical left perspective. No blind trust, no propaganda—just a bullshit detector for the modern age.