It’s been three years since I’ve blogged on a regular basis. Back in 2009, after blogging nearly every day for five years straight, I decided to give it a rest. I removed all the posts from the web and tried to turn Fluid Imagination into a repository of my creative writing, plus a place to expound upon my thoughts and theories of writing, which I developed during my career as an adjunct creative-writing professor.

Unfortunately, my teaching job(s) took an awful lot out of me, so at the end of any given day, I didn’t have any energy to put into my own writing.

But that needs to change. If I’m going to be a teacher for the rest of my life (which seems to be the way it’s going), then I need to figure out how to force the writing each and every day. Ideally, that means working on creative pieces of my own, but at the very least, it means writing something — anything — every day of the week.

So, as of February 26, 2012, it’s game on.

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A Skeptic’s View of the President’s Actions

In January, I tried to track Trump’s executive actions, but a handy website beat me to it. But with a new authoritarian at the helm, banal summaries don’t cut it. So now I’ve set up a ChatGPT task to do the heavy lifting: provide a brief analysis of each week’s presidential orders from a radical left perspective. No blind trust, no propaganda—just a bullshit detector for the modern age.

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