Bottom line: as we enter the new Trump presidency, we have got to remain focused. We can’t panic. No matter how many executive orders he signs and statements he issues, our goal remains the same. We have got to educate. We have got to organize. We have got to bring people together around an agenda that works for all, not just the few.
Now more than ever, we have to fight to create an America based on economic, social and environmental justice. Let’s get to work.
— “What Trump Didn’t Say In His Inauguration Speech,” by Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT), The Guardian
Dear Neighbor: An Open Response to Raj Bhakta
In response to a ‘Dear Neighbor’ letter from a local millionaire, I’m setting the record straight. As we approach our annual town meeting, he is using misinformation to pressure the town into action. My open letter challenges his claims and highlights the truth.